can chinchillas eat raisins

One raisin every other day should be sufficient for them. Grapes and raisins have shown to be toxic to dogs, ferrets and cats. Secondly, raisins contain high amount of sugar, acidic content and phosphorus which are not too good for chinchillas. Never was sick, so our new baby will have the same diet. All It is not a good idea to give them any citrus fruits, as they are likely to cause digestive issues. Give your chinchilla as many raisins as they want , a chinchillas stomach is not meant to process sugar , you are essentially killing it if you allow it to eat 10 a day , it will act normal until its liver shuts completely down ( it builds fat around the liver until the liver can no longer process its normal high fiber diet ) essentially malnourishing it , PLEASE read more about the diet , they will be completely … Perhaps it's instinctive that any movement from above is like a predatory bird. First thing first, chinchillas’ primary food is hay, specifically timothy hay. This is because their digestive systems are not really designed to digest food other than hay and hay pellets. Don't subscribe Furthermore, raisins are acidic in nature and chinchillas can’t eat foods that are acidic. While you may feel there is no reason for him to be scared you need to remember that your chinchilla has no way of knowing what your intentions are. If you recently adopted a chinchilla, you are probably curious about what foods a chinchilla can eat and how to provide a proper diet.. As far as we have seen raisens are fine. Chinchillas love raisins, but too many can lead to digestive issues. It sounds like your chinchilla doesn't trust you. Of course, Chinchillas are herbivorous, and they would need a lot of grass and plants. Do Chinchillas Bite? Are there exceptions? Some people use raisins as rewards to train a chinchilla. Chinchillas love sweets, there is no doubt about that. They can eat some fruits and vegetables, but only in small, bite-sized servings. He used to get about 5 raisins a day. That it was like a treat to them. What To Do When That Happens? I am third owner of my Chin. Below is all you need to know about the dos and don’ts of Chinchillas and their diet. Is there a limit as to how many he can have? Their complex dietary requirements dictate that they eat a combination of fruits, seeds, leaves, roots, barks, and grasses. In fact, I give him a raisins once a day at about the same time each day. But do you know whether raisins can be enjoyed by your pet chinchilla, the same way that you nibble them? See Answer. They feel it stimulates their appetite while there. I recommend only feeding your chinchilla an apple bi-weekly at most. One pet store person said that toxins from too many raisins can build up in a chinchilla's system and kill it. Sometimes when I hold my chinchilla, he starts to shiver. What can chinchillas eat list? Please visit the fuzzieskingdom website for organic foods, hay and treats. Ranchers, being professionals, are likely to have fewer deaths than pet owners. As long as your chinchillas are eating plenty of their regular food so that they are receiving the right nutrition, there shouldn't be a problem. But the thing with dried fruits is that they are quite sugary and so must be strictly rationed. So I cannot say that raisins are a 100% no-no. Everynight I get her out to play and find that she has eaten all her food. Last edited by Marios Alexandrou on April 15, 2020. But do they like oats? When I google it a bunch of different brands come up. So the advice here is to avoid raisins if possible. I give 2-3 raisins per week to adult chins and cheerios to juveniles. He said it seemed like something neurological was going on and gave him a shot of what I think he said was cortisone to stop (brain?) the next morning....but it was too late. I believe that 17 was a very good age! Asked by Wiki User. Chinchillas love sweets, especially raisins and will eat as many as you are willing to give. Of course. NOLA Chinchilla Rescue. Chinchillas can eat a variety of fruits and vegetables including: Celery; Potato; Kale; Alfalfa; Apples; Raisins; Grapes; Blueberries; Carrots; Yes, chinchillas can eat carrots. But that is only for adult chinchilla. This was about 10 years ago and I always KNEW it was related to those raisins somehow! (R.I.P. Chinchillas are herbivores by nature and can’t digest meat. As long as you show her that you love her and will protect her she will love you back, shes scared,she came to a new home and needs time to settle in. He couldn't stand straight, he kept tipping over, it was if he had no control of his back legs. Some of the best fruits to give your chinchilla include pears, dried fruits, apricots, and raisins. Other Chinchilla Myths. If your chinchilla does consume meat, gastrointestinal blockages can occur leading to injury or death. We are a group of enthusiasts who have been living with chinchillas for most parts of our lives. This is why it is always important to make sure your chinchilla strikes a balance between eat, sleep and exercise. Years later, I am not surprised to hear that they are toxic to the liver of certain animals. Type in and try their products. The truth of the matter is that chinchillas can get … IMO, raisins are toxic to chinchillas and may do great damage over time. Chinchillas Love Food. There is a lot of contradictory information regarding the feeding of chinchillas, and many breeders tend to have their own methods and opinions of what to feed and what not to feed. i feed my chinchilla raisins and she adors them 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% be sure not to give them more then one raisin a day. Can Chinchillas Have Popcorn? The water should be changed, and the bottle thoroughly cleane… We've read that raisins in moderation are fine. when you lean down to pick her up, she just sits there and waits and when you get close enough, she either snarls, or she runs around. How Often Do Chinchillas Need To Go To The Vet. Your email address will not be published. It kind of feels like he's vibrating. For my chinchilla I give her 2-3 raisins a week, but when I give her a raisin I cut it up in small pieces and also include a walnut or almond. One raisin and one rose hip, or one raisin-sized piece of shredded wheat and one Cheerio. A Chinchillas expected life span in captivity is 12-20 years. All my chinchillas have had the occasional raisin with no ill effects. You can get these at health-food stores or online. Any food when consumed in large amount is bad for health. These dried grapes are then harvested using farming tools, before going through rounds and rounds of filtration. Their diets are quite different too. How much food is your chinchilla consuming in a day? That could be because he has been picked up too many times when he didn't want to be. They cause liver failure. i want to be able to pick up my chinchilla but i just get too nervous. However, it has been found through recent studies that raisins have a level of toxicity so feeding a chinchilla too many raisins can have a negative if not eventually lethal effect. Raisins are a really good treat for chinchillas. Are Raisins Good for Birds? During these play times, give your chinchilla a treat (not too much). I have owned chinchillas for two and a half years now. And here are some comments from a popular forum FOR giving raisins: 1. source wikipedia. Why not just vary his diet with different types of herbal hays or rose hips? There is no data concerning chinchillas but there is anecdotal data. Birds eat raisins but if there are preferred foods nearby they may ignore raisins. The good thing is that even though chinchillas don’t eat a vast selection and variety of foods, they get most if not all of the nutrition they need from this basic diet.. I got my chinchilla, London, less than a week ago and can see she's starting to 'warm up' to me. Chinchillas can not get wet. How To Clean Chinchilla Cage (And Fur) From Urine? Copyright at 2020 Chinchilla Care Group. How Much Does It Cost To Take Care Of A Chinchilla? Must have been a healthy brand without very much sugar.What brand is it? Ours waste a lot of food by ignoring small bits that fall off of the pellet as they nibble on it. Many people think that raisins are made by drying buckets of freshly plucked grapes under the hot sun or oven. Chinchillas can eat the skin of the apple with no problem, but you can choose to peel it off. You should never give your chinchilla any avocado, bananas, blueberries, pineapple or cantaloupe. I havent tried it yet, but I plan to, i hear that rose hips are good treats for chinchillas and are safer. Yes, chinchillas can eat raisins. Chinchillas are not equipped to eat diets that are high in fat and can fall susceptible to illnesses like fatty liver disease. All Rights Reserved, make sure your chinchilla strikes a balance between eat, sleep and exercise, 10 Super Tips to create the Perfect Chinchilla Cage Setup. Chinchillas can be offered treats of fresheafy green vegetables kept to a minimum. I also have a 15 year old chin, that has always gotten about 6 raisins a day and is happy and healthy. Your chinchilla is shivering likely because he's scared. Replies to my comments If you really love your Chinchillas, it is extremely important to ensure that you feed them what they actually are looking ahead to. For youngsters, feed them half a raisin twice a week at the most. Chinchillas love eating. Raisins are unnecessarily sugary and if a few forums say it can take years off of your chinchilla's life, why not just switch to a healthier treat? it annoys me because whenever i want to hold chillaman, i have to get my mom to pick him up. Can Chinchillas Eat Raisins? Raisins and dried cranberries are a chinchilla favorite but should not be given more than once or twice a week. The last thing I would give such is sugar. Chinchillas do not do well with recooked foods, especially if these foods are all they are given. Do not feed raisins to a baby chinchilla. Hence, installing a big chinchilla wheel in the cage is a good way to ensure this. we have four happy healthy chinchillas that love raisens. Instead, we only pick them up when they're running around outside of their cage. Water should be offered in a bottle placed on the outside of the cage. You can feed them raisins occasionally once or twice a week as a treat. Chinchillas CANeat the following, however only the top tw… You'll need to build some trust by hanging out with your chinchilla without trying to pick him up. However, raisins should only be offered to chinchillas in small quantities. To avoid making him feel lonely, you can add another chinchilla or more. But remember, two treats a day no matter what they are! It’s fun to watch them as they eat. Today has been his first day getting a dried rose hip. This is what your chinchilla’s diet should look like… I'm on a chinchilla forum where they say that raisins ARE NOT safe and honestly, why chance it? If chinchillas are like other animals, you cannot feed them strange foods if they have previously had no variation in their diet. The others we feed two twice a day. Can Chinchillas Eat Lettuce? I noticed it after coming out work one night. Some owners feed them as treats but this is a bad idea. Learn more about their diets here. But treats are never good in abundance. Dave has been eating many different things his entire life (we got him as a youngster from an owner who fed him cherries and crackers along with his regular chinchilla food). First thing first, chinchillas’ primary food is hay, specifically timothy hay. Can Chinchillas Eat Apples? Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Hi again. Well, chinchillas generally like anything that tastes new. Don’t offer your chinchilla raisins each day. Dogs, cats, and ferrets are quite different from chinchillas. We had a chinchilla which was about 17, yes, 17 when he died. For example, raisins are toxic and can cause death if fed to a dog, even in small amount. Feed them right, and you’ll have a happy, cuddly pet for many years. Your chinchilla should always have hay available. And Keep Them From Smelling! Chinchillas love raisins. Hey what brand is that Healthy Select Chinchilla food? If a chinchilla who has had nothing but alfalfa/timothy pellets suddenly gets something strange introduced into his/her diet, it would probably make them sick. As you can see raisins contain a lot of phosphorus, a little calcium, a lot of acidic content, and a huge amount of sugar. If you want to give this food to the birds in your garden, you should be quite careful. Our chinchilla loves raisins but now we are afraid to give him any. In the wild they eat fruit & nuts. When grapes ripen on their grape vines, farmers will cut the canes. And of course too many raisins can cause diarrhea. Raisins are safe. If she is happy and healthy and active during her daily playtime, she can probably work that extra fat off easily. I have had her for about 3 years now and in those 3 years never had one problem. Hello! Apparently I should of researched a little more on the raisin consumption for my Chin. Raisins are very high in sugar (70% sugar), and a chinchilla’s daily diet should be made up of no more than 4% sugar. We've been traveling for the last week and just got back yesterday. He didn't know if this would work or not since he had no clue what had all of a sudden happened to my poor chinchilla. What Can Chinchillas Eat as Treats? Horses and chinchillas are both hind gut fermenters. Their chinchillas tend to live longer. If chinchillas eat too many fruits and vegetables, they might develop diarrhea or other stomach problems. Chinchilla Foods. Leave us a comment if you like our site. Don’t feed large amounts of dried fruits to your pet chinchilla as it can cause dental illnesses to your pet. Well, in today’s topic you will see that feeding dried raisins frequently may not be the best idea if you want to protect your chin’s lifespan. He is currently 11 years old, getting close to 12. Do the math (values from USDA and the CA Institute of Raisins). People who do this cut the raisin into small pieces beforehand, so they don’t give the chinchilla too many raisins during a … Often chinchilla owners will give sultanas to their pet but only as a treat and no more than 1 or 2 as a treat. I have had my chinchilla for about a year now and I have had no ill effects with the raisins. Though raisins are toxic to other animals I do not believe this to be true for chinchillas. Yes, Chinchillas can eat raisins but only as treats. If you offer raisins, offer half of a raisin at a time, and avoid giving your chinchilla more than 3 or 4 per week. But if your little pet only eats and sleeps in her chinchilla cage every day, then even one raisin is too much! You can give them raisins in moderation. As with all pets, a proper diet is key to health and long life in chinchillas. I too am allergic to peanuts. As to your question about if it is okay for a chinchilla to eat raisins as treats, they do love raisins. Why give chins treats at all? He ate one raisin every day, we had heard they were good for their digestion. Can Ferrets And Chinchillas Play Together. This article deals with the somewhat “controversial” topic of diet and nutrition. The fruits continue to hang on the vines for the next 2 months, until they are dried out naturally to become raisins. They arn't as big as our other one and really don't seem to want that many, but as far as I have seen raisens are fine. Raisins have been one of human’s favorite snacks since 2000 years ago, way before chocolate bar and potato chips were invented. Chinchillas often enjoy raisins or dried fruits, but should not be offered more than 3-4 raisins a week as these are extremely high in sugar. I believe this is a life saver to chinchillas who purchase products from this company. Mr. Chin made a full recovery and was using his hind legs again within 48 hours. I'll take my cues from ranchers I know and trust. I refill her food bowl up halfway everynight. But treats are never good in abundance. But they should only eat these in moderation. That's just plain common sense and has nothing to do with raisin consumption. But one thing that all breeders will agree on is that chinchillas require a low fat, high fiber diet to maintain optimum health. So I guess one per day is okay, maybe? One thing you could do is try to pick him up without scaring him. But that couldn’t be further away from the truth. There are some fruits which can be consumed by chinchillas in small amount including blueberries, grapes, raisins, and apples. Some comments from a popular forum AGAINST giving raisins include: 1. Chibi). If chinchilla pellets are difficult to find, they can be substituted with rabbit or guinea pig pellets. I know that they need love and enjoy getting out of their cage, but is my chinchilla not as social as others? Your email address will not be published. They never go back to the small bits. They will die or their fur will rot off. There’s a marked difference between being able to eat something and liking it. Fun to watch her explore. Chinchillas can get seriously ill if they are fed fatty foods so avoid giving nuts and seeds and other foods high in fat. Does this make cigarettes safe?) An elderly lady had her and was held a lot. This completely rules them out for chinchillas unfortunately as they are very bad for them. This is because their digestive systems are not really designed to digest food other than hay and hay pellets. By Kris Selnar. Is it normal for her to be eating so much? Dried fruits. Simple pellet foods, even those designed specifically for chinchillas, should be given in moderation and never as the only food. For instance, you cannot switch brands of food on dogs or they get sick. So, what exactly do chinchillas eat? If you have a chin, DON'T feed him raisins because they can be neurologically toxic! This is normal and part of providing ethical and proper care to your new chinchilla.. I’ve been in the same spot as you and was also clueless about what options were safe and which methods may be best. With over 80 animals, I haven't noticed any increase in mortality. Plain cheerios and regular shredded wheat (no sugar added) are definitely safe for your chinchillas and they love them just as much. Well, the delicate nature of chinchillas can’t bear more than hay, water, and a few treats. Apples should not be a daily treat or your chinchilla may start to take in too much sugar. One chin may varie from another. I use to have a chinchilla. Although I avoid letting my chinchillas eat raisins, I couldn’t find any related scientific studies on this. Raisins are made from grapes. Chinchillas do not eat fruit in their natural diet, so their bodies have not evolved to process the sugar properly.

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