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We had aspirations, however, of thru hiking the AT. One for Vermont and one for Virginia. Question? I plan on doing the PCT is a couple of years and would like to post videos. You really have a wonderful easy way about you that has gone a long way in assuring me that this old man can actually make this adventure happen. You can’t just not have a home to come back to. Be You! Now I’ve started planning to begin in 2020 as a thru hiker! Vicarious thrills (and spills?) 2) Perk always embraces my videoing. I guess I’ll give this a try again – enjoyed watching your videos and reading your blog. Videos and blogs really helped me think over my own gear and how to plan for my trip this summer! A couple questions for you please; I saw in one of your AT videos that you used a stuff sack for your sleeping bag, do you still use them or do you stuff it into the bottom of your pack without? As far as your multitool question goes, I’ve never needed anything other than a knife so far, so nope! Good idea. Your family must be so proud of you! That’s so awesome to hear you’re getting back out there and enjoying nature. So when is the television show? Being an Aggie, I don’t want to be hiking the AT during football season ????????. I hope you enjoy it! I appreciate and enjoy your videos, perspectives and technical info. Best regards. Just WOW, have only just came across you’re blogs/youtube. Thanks for the suggestion . 2019: 347,578 I use about an oz every five days, more or less. You’ve got this. I binge watched your AT adventure a couple months ago while my husband was in the ICU. I retired from my post-military job this past February as I felt like I was slowly dying. I used the “Support” button on your YouTube homepage, which accepts a Visa or Debit. You mentioned using a trash compactor bag inside your back pack. Let me know how it goes. Enjoy every moment! Many of those trails crossed the AT and I always wondered about the experiences people were having on that trail, but never had the chance to hike any of it before my family moved to Ohio. Born and presently living in Colorado, but have lived in NW Florida AKA “The Redneck Riviera”, so not too far from where you grew up. I appreciate your kind words. I am also planning on Thru-hiking the AT March 2017. one application lasts 5 to 9 days. I can still taste that dinner at the first shelter on the backside of a very wet, very cold, Moosilauke (northbound). It is also a thru hike from Mexico to Canada. Will you be taking a micro drone along with you on the PCT? This tune will come to you at last It may be a ways out, but planning never happens to early. “Nev-AD-a,” not “Nev-AH-da”. For more than 7 years now, my life’s dream has been to thru hike the PCT. Hey Amy! If you have any questions about hiking/backpacking, check out my informational videos on YouTube! I’m suscribed to yours and Darwin on the Trails Youtube channels even though I don’t hike. I’ll be hiking the Colorado Trail and might run into you! Thanks for the inspiration and videos! I’m curious to know how you made out with respect to deer ticks and Lyme disease. Or is there a reason I don’t know about as not so tall (5’-5”) person to have the extra space ? Micros stop when I leave . When Dixie eats “ray-mon” in the Sierras, we do understand–and as she pointed out, communication is the important start. For tutoring please call 856.777.0840 I am a recently retired registered nurse who helps nursing students pass their NCLEX. I couldn’t imagine a regular life would even be possible after your kind of experience with the outdoors. Care to share? I believe the age your dad would have been. Katahdin, it was only the beginning to a new chapter of my life. My mail hatindar translates from Icelandic to high peaks in English and my nick name among hikers in Iceland is: The chief of the high peaks (short: High peaks) Time flies, but the memories grow stronger I’ll always love the AT. I feel like I have been preparing my whole live for long distance hiking and now I am ready both physically and mentally (well that remains to be seen ) Would you have any recommendations on a 1 person tent, I plan on doing the A.t.! Hey! Dixie, just a heads up – wear long pants for the first mile of Washington! Secret Agent, I walked the Camino Portuguese with my teenage daughter and son. Thank you so much for your quick response. It will always be appreciated! My boyfriend and I found your YouTube and absolutely love watching your adventure of hiking the PCT! I would like to talk with you about your journey. White Cloud. What book are you reading (if you don’t mind me asking)? warm body will dry socks. I might have to check that out. They keep my hiking spirit alive! You would be such an awesome guest! You are super real! I watched your informational utube videos while doing gear research and preparing for my 2020 AT thru hike. I hope you have fun next summer and please hug a white blaze for me–Happy Trails! Learning a lot and planning to section hike the AT. So again, thank you. I will get on that immediately. It’s definitely possible to ONLY resupply while on trail. Valerie, That’s AWESOME! My heart longs for this experience but I am concerned about my wherewithal to complete it. I checked out a couple of the videos ( the one dancing across snow cups in Kings Canyon brought back memories). Try to appear big…not like you are scared. Let it know when you see it and you are in its presence. Thanks, Evan AKA Edog AKA Mr. Clean. I’m moving from boots to trail shoes so be interesting to see how that works. Same goes for shoes try putting them in bottom near your feet or somehow put them under the sleeping bag. We love our YouTube channel! I just use baby wipes or water and a bandana if I’m feeling gross. But, I would recommend it just because it will help you feel more confident in your abilities when you get out there. Seeing you conquer a lifelong dream inspired me to revisit some of those that she and I shared. Also your gear advice has been very helpful so keep it up. Many of them more than once. Gosh, watching your through hikes have been like a great tonic for both my husband (also CP) and self. Looking forward to your CDT videos!! check out Jeff Mitchell’s books on the Pennsylvania Endless Mountains, I’m on the front cover of his Backpacking 37 great hikes. So how do you afford not having a job? Picked up some great tips from them. I am really thinking since I am just a scrawny ole girl I might should pare down the load. You are truly an inspiration to the many folks that follow you. So I can hike with them on hikes you’re the best. I am the slowest hiker out there. She wrote back that they are “always welcoming Thru Hikers here at border base”. That is so awesome to hear–woohoo! One hiker suggested to the other to “Dixie” his tent to save room. If so, I suggest you read the following and factor it into you planning What about in snow, sharp tips or use the baskets? First in 38 year. Small compared to the AT or the PCT! What is life like after the AT? I doubt it, although that would be awesome! It looks like the Zpacks Arc Haul. The Sierra Nevada was extremely stressful because of the heavy snowfall the winter before. I don’t prefer to treat my body or gear with poison, but it is an option. I know you appreciate your music and thought you may like one of my favorites. Never knew until now about Auburn / Opelika. The UP part of it is beautiful! Hi Mary! We are major hikers. I’ve dusted the cobwebs off of those cheap packs, and am planning on doing some short trips in Colorado next year with some family members. Bugs: DEET alternative to consider, Lemon Eucalyptus. I just watched update 38 and you seem down. For this reason, I would be happy to complete it in 6 months instead of the normal 5. Snapper Petta Although, I’d rather not get bit, haha. Anyway, here is what you requested: ID-336818 Congrats on your Triple Crown! Enjoy and be safe. Thinking of picking up where I left backpacking off since my youth. Such a beautiful woman. Very informative!!! Happy hiking girl! I have watched everything that you post and I can testify that you have inspired me to get out there and do something! Just a note to let you know how much I have enjoyed watching your AT adventure. If I do one day get to realize my dream, it will have to be later, after I have retired, probably when I am 63 to 65 years. And like most every easterner, you are saying Nevada wrong. Can you further describe the trash compactor bag. Dvd’s or downloads. Even made me cry. Thank you, I love TSP. I have wondered if you are at all concerned about the snow pack in the Sierra’s this year. I have checked your videos but there is limited information about backpacking with disabilities. If you have never considered it…you should. I still got great photos of the aproach trail and the south sister as well. Hi Dixie, Happy Hiking. Pro – excellent for oral hygiene. Videos were great…. Of course very little was for pleasure! I had a triple bypass 2 years ago and I will be 60 next month. Glad you’re enjoying the videos and thank you SO much for watching. You helped me in getting started. My wife would not partake in my adventure. Apparently 3 were air lifted from the 100 mile wilderness because they were stranded. War Damn Eagle! That’s all for now. Hi Dixie Loggins and Messina “Be Free”. It’s been my favorite so far. I really appreciate your videos as they show me what really to expect while hiking intense trails. I did surf through some YouTube videos where trail proponents are concerned because of the increased visibility/ public awareness/ increased use of some of the major trails in recent years due to movies, etc…. You are a great inspiration to everyone! I fear that your confidence and determination will over ride common sense. Of course life can get in the way and it has but I never gave up on it and when I came accross your story I followed it and lived it vicariously through you as you set out and conquered your challenge. The mice in Washington are vicious! The beauty you bring to all of us is a powerful testimony of God, the Creator of all things. It’s obviously not free or we would already have done it. You look and sound so much better than your A.T. start video at Springer Mt. I am going to post your links to our site. Because we only have one life and we might as well make the best of it before the opportunity passes us by. Hello Dixie, my husband and I really enjoy your video each Wednesday. And yes, we are beginning to bleed War Eagle orange. Suggestion…..when you can’t sink your tent stakes into the ground and you put rocks on the stake loops, put the stake(or a stick) through the stake loop and put the rock on the stake laying on the ground….it will be harder to pull loose from the rock. youtube fan Meant to say we love Your YouTube channel! It’s pretty good for locating trails closest to you. You see Jessica, it’s not really “wanderlust”, it’s an awesome awakening! Hi Jessica, I recently lost 50 pounds thru diet and exercise and have been doing small 2 and 3 day hikes here in Kentucky. I am looking forward to starting 2019 on the right foot and restart planning section hiking Connecticut with a friend. excited to see sierras. So are you doing the CDT this year or not? I’ve seen so many online I’m not sure which would be the best. My father, who has passed now, did the AT in 1983. It brought a smile to my face. Peace! THANK YOU FOR INSPIRING ME. You are very inspirational and seem to be able to stay in the moment. Cheers ..you rock ! Magazine let us know. Hey “Dixie”, I recently ran across you videos while researching some vacation ideas and I must say that it is truly inspiring to see someone enjoying life to its fullest as you do. Dixie, I have one other question. I find them help me so much in the fine-tuning of my hiking preps. And how much value you add to understanding wtf goes on on these trips. Very tiny and light, but contains a bunch of useful features. JR&AVA FROM NC! I’m glad that my fellow Opelikans are being sweet to y’all. thanks for all the tips and tricks aswell, it really inspired me too buy a tent and a backpack and other gear so I can enjoy the great mountains we have here in Norway. Can’t wait to see CDT. . Thank you for following along and let me know if you have any more questions! You’ll be in rarified company after you finish this next hike, Hi Dixie – Don’t know if you’ve seen this. Sorry for the delay. I have 8 miles to go. I am thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail this summer and will be regularly posting updates during my journey. Thanks for your hard work!!! I can even do so while raining under my vestibule. Very cool city! Thank you I have thought about some international trips and aim to start once I complete the CDT. There are rude people on the trail as there are people like that in everyday life. My husband and I are into hiking and have been getting more into the multi-day trips. We had purchased a couple of cheap backpacking packs…but still had not used them to their fullest. I appreciate y’all watching and cheering me on . I’m UK based and seriously considering taking out some time and doing the AT or may the PCT. Looking forward to following your journey on the CDT! I’m going to enjoy what I can while I can. So many times I had to grab my daughter and say “you gotta watch Dixies video of “wherever you were at that moment”. damp will dry faster on your feet than wet. Want to take my daughter and section hike. I am going to hike Harper’s Ferry to Damascus starting April 1st by myself, yikes! RE: One Time Donation…..Done! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. But until then we are enjoying binge watching your videos. I know you have plantar too and wondered if you have any good tips and advice. It brought back a lot of memories for me from my Camino Frances. Thank ya, all Best of luck on the CNT! Im honestly not sure yet—I’ll know at the end of the year. It is–to see more and more of the steps that I take in my everyday life as “grand”. Thanks again. It’s the best country in the world, especially the South Island. Thanks for reaching out. Know you are majorly focused on cdt. lol You look like a Jessica and sound like a Dixie! Just wanted to share that with you. Good luck on the CDT!! What a pleasure. ???? After using your advice, they couldn’t always tell I was doing the JMT because my pack was atypically small, despite carrying 12days food and hiking from Cottonwood pass to Mammoth without resupply (MTR and VVR were closed in early October and I skipped both). Dear Dixie You truly are amazing. In most of the videos, you seem to have it rolled down quite a bit. I resigned from my job there and began my thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail in March 2015. I love the outdoors, I love camping, bike riding and took up kayaking a year ago. No rush on answering. It’s a Mountain Kingsnake. People around there know what’s going on so it shouldn’t be too difficult. Keep up the good work and good luck and have fun on the PCT. Thank you. Here is a poem for you, Dixie. I cant go or a thru hike right now but i would like to go for a section hikes on the AT. What I’ve used of their stuff has worked out nicely! Your videos have excellent content. It was great meeting yall! However, I swear your AT thru hike series inspired me to continue healing and attempt a thru hike with my hubby in a few years. Hence they may be there for 6 weeks before i can collect. My dream is to do the AT, hopefully in 2019. My wife and I live just north of Birmingham and we go out day hiking a few of the local park trails, we have even done a short section of the AT. Oh wow! This journey is the best! Hike your own hike and make your own memories. I do like day hiking, but that is somewhat limited here in Alabama. I don’t think that the whole trail angel activity exists much outside of the sphere of the larger popular trails where it’s a known “thing”. Hi David, thank you for the very nice comments. I used to backpack the jungles of Costa Rica in my youth. Nat-chic. Interesting about the bounce boxes, it’s something we just don’t do here in the UK/outside US, a steep learning curve is required i know. Thank you, Alan! Spent a little time near the Alleghany reservoir last spring but you inspired me to catch parts of the AT this summer. FYI, I’m a 50-something woman hiking alone. As far as I know, there isn’t any organization that heads it. Enjoy your “downhome” approach to what you do mixed with common sense and intelligence. The amount of food will depend on how far away each town is. Your stairway lies on the whisperin’ wind, And as we wind on down the trail It’s flat and wanders through a national forest. A big thank you from me for the insight into your journey. It’s the best product I’ve every used for this problem. Have you guys started the CDT yet? I was on Guthook when I got notification you responded! If you’ve decided that you don’t want to use your engineering degree then that’s another matter – plenty of people do that. I’ve surfed around some of the hiker forums and I don’t see this sort of thing addressed, so I was curious. Thank you! You’ve posted elsewhere that your future trail plans include hiking some international trails. And the forests will echo with laughter, If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow don’t be alarmed now They have some nice trails there and we’d love to get a chance to meet you. The only thing is that you have to get permits six months in advance. Hi Dixie. SALTY DOG. P.S. He has written a number of books about his adventures thru-hiking, at the moment I am reading his book about the AT ‘Balancing on Blue. Haha. The loving attention that you give to the flowers, the love bug and the caterpillar to the largest animals you come across on the trails you walk. All three of us have watched your journeys along the Appalachian trail, The Pacific Crest trail, and the Continental divide trail. You’re 1 tough cookie !! Safe travels!! Thank you for sharing your life and passion with us. We are truly enjoying your videos and are glad to see that y’all are safe and well. I just finished a 500 miles pilgrimage on June 8th! TO finally come to the end — How bittersweet it must have been! Thank ya, all You are an inspiration to many people. It is not all linked up yet, some dirt roads etc. Keep up your great attitude, whatever you do. Maybe also do the Grayson Highlands and Mt. src/public/js/zxcvbn.js This package implements a content management system with security features by default. 2015: 262,458 Hi Dixie, Can you share your tips for dealing with Planters Fasciatis on the PCT? I would love to visit and explore more of the USA but life commitments and money mainly limit this so its brilliant that you can help me see the nature, wildlife and landscape. You also have a huge fan base. Thank You for sharing your experiences on the AT. where can I send a small envelope to you through the mail. Congrats on your triple crown!I’ve enjoyed every minute of your documentaries!! Øyvind a.k.a little toothless. I will be hiking the AT New Jersey section the 1st week of August. -I left a comment on one of your wonderful videos about a good friend/Trail Angel who lives with her husband near Campo, CA. I had plans in 2018 to section hiking the AT in Connecticut. Still doing it! 650 823-1460, Hey there! Take care and be safe on all your adventures!!! I’ve watched a lot of PCT videos the past two years, and yours are among the best! Have fun. Cool town! I just watched and immensely enjoyed your Camino film. Loved your unpretentious advice and genuine emotion, congrats to Whitney on the production. Ursula. My brother tells me there was quite a bit on snow in ‘bama today. You should check out @ellieontheAT on instagram. Hope the CD trail is being kind to you all , safe travels and don’t forget some lotion ….wyoming IS the driest state in the country. Thank you for your efforts in sharing your adventures. Take care and have a great hike. Hello, Dixie. Awesome! Hi! I recommend getting the Guthooks App for the Sierra Nevada. Thanks. Most companies will list the suggested lengths for certain heights. It is on the to do list! I had an opportunity to hike on the Appalachian Trail in Harper’s Ferry over Thanksgiving and your you tube videos has gotten me interested in hiking again. Hygiene: An alternative to baby powder for cleaning hair is corn starch. I thoroughly enjoyed your AT and PCT videos and learned something new from each of them. Your channel came up when I searched PCT on Youtube, I have been hooked ever since! If you check my gear lists, I am carrying a small tripod and a drone . What made you switch to a tent? I toted it the whole trip! How does that strike you, for a bigger, heavier hiker? Here you go . I’m 5’8”…I believe my Zpacks sleeping bag is long and slim. Native costarrican here. I have heard the Wind River Range of the CDT is FANTASTIC. I know that he has a son named Steve. Thank you so much for watching! Just plan it and do it! I’m glad the info has been helpful—thank you for watching! I grew up in Tennessee and spent many of hours in the Great Smoky Mountains hiking the trails. I live in Naples FL and am going to get prepared on the Florida Trail. Look forwRd to the blog and YouTube vids! It would seem almost unavoidable when thru hiking the AT. Crazy about you and your “southerness”. Did you ever run into a hiker that went by, mostly harmless? I followed your you tube videos through the PCT and it was such a wonderful adventure. You are very open and honest which is very refreshing:-) I look forward to all of you videos and really appreciate them more than you know. Perhaps the best DIY pot stand I’ve seen. Thank you for helping inspire and encourage the young men and women in the crew. Only have one hike thru trail here in Texas. That bucket would be useful for a field bath, which is face and neck, armpits, crotch and bum and feet. In your last video PCT vrs AT You had mentioned the main mental challenge was when you were in the Sierra’s. I have slept with my food bag before but it’s usually an accident (I fall asleep). I think I probably could’ve gotten by with the smaller pack, but I was worried I might not. My name is Jessica Mills, but in the hiking world people call me “Dixie.” Although I was born in Florida, I ‘grew up’ in Opelika, AL. War Eagle! … Walter A. Starr, Jr. Something to think about, on and off the trail. Thank you, Scott! Assuming I’m still physically able when I retire, I may give this a try. I would recommend AWOL’s Guide Book for mileages. If you ever happen to come to Iceland look me up I would love to show you the hiking possibilities over here. Way to go girl !! I send them to all my friends that might be wanting a change and didn’t know it. Yay! I live near LAX. With allergies, do you think buying local is still an option? Both for those of us who are on the trail and those who are staying behind at home . Glad to hear you’re getting out there I just googled A LOT before my hike. I digitized family videos from 1955(I was 5) and passed them down to my kids. I graduated from West Point in 1992; I got a kick out of the update where you visited the Academy. I was reading a book about the PCT and wanted to see what it looked like, I live in Scotland and the landscape is very different. I’d compare it to the year Dixie hiked the PCT, a challenge with that record snowfall and wildfires, but still doable. I see you brought fishing gear. I have a video on this from after the AT. That’s amazing! Hope to be a 4400’er, a flip yo flop. Best, Rob Carnes. (Also, Steamboats rocks! Please when you have a moment check it out. I have assembled most of my gear following your reviews and picking what works best for me. We did a few hikes around Grafton Notch, Maine last year (we live in South Paris, Maine), and she fell in love with hiking. Allen, thank you so much for sharing this story with me! Thank you, Ursula! . I’d like to try something like that, unfortunately, unless I quit my job, its slim to none. I hope you do more in the future. I live and hike in the Durango Colorado area and would be happy to help you in any way. You touched upon the laws in each state and for further research. At a young age, I developed a love for the outdoors. It is from Walter Starr Jr., a man who wrote a guide to hiking the John Muir Trail… Of all the peace on earth there’s none Like evening in my campfire’s gleam, No shrine like God’s own starlit dome Nor wine like water from a stream. I appreciate your offer, but we are actually already through that area. I’m so excited that you are aiming to whoop the PCT in 2020–what a great plan! Why so? I know this will probably be the most difficult thing we’ve ever done in our lives . Hey Titmouse, I would be interested in talking more about that. Thank you for all the great videos. Where did you keep your Moment Len’s, how did you access and use them. I am going on the Appalachian trail . Thank you for sharing your story. Be well! Read up on bear safety and how to react when you see one. I will definitely keep researching everything I can get my hands on and continue to get in touch with others who love being outside like I do. Anyway, hope y’all have fun on the OT! I have watched most of your videos. You did a great job putting this together. Can be used at a much lower rate than manufacture’s suggested usage rate. Remeber your photos are worth the expense. Just personal preference. I was a Section hiker back in the 70’s and thought I would get to finish but kids grandkids and other life issues came up. Hi Dixie….my wife and I have been enjoying your content and find it quite informative. I would appreciate any advice! I debated a long time over which model to get and in the end, I went with the 40L over the 55L (although I did go with the White version as it is just a little lighter). Then we started going on horseback, riding trails and camping like that was a different kind of experience. The vast majority of the trail is high open desert. So I have enjoyed living vicariously through your blogs and wish you the best of luck on the trail and where ever your life leads your from here. Haha. I will now start planning and saving my first major hike for next summer. You need an agent so you can really develop your product. Also, when telling people to just ” go out there and hike, you should say that you should get with your doctor before attempting any physical activity, some trails can be kind of rough on the body especially when hauling equipment around.

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