spiritual codes pdf

If so, very welcome to do the codes. There will be detailed instructions in every code on how to do it. We commenced the work on 7-8-1965 and completed it on 23-8-1965. The Spiritual Laws are split into four categories, the first being ‘The Basic Laws of Life’. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Do you want more love in your life? Walking the reader through the discovery and validation process of this unique healing system, The Healing Code will help you understand how stress affects your body, the role of cellular memory, how spiritual and emotional issues suppress your immune system and in … my spiritual student Mr. Y.V.Raghava Rao to get the material type-written. hereinafter referred to as: Spiritual Care Professionals . We are aimed to be love and joy. While Light Code was designed to create unity consciousness and bring forth healing, happiness, and prosperity, Dark Code exists to separate and fragment us, to keep us isolated in fear and anxiety. With help from muscle testing (kinesiology). When you meditate with a Light Code, this is called activation of the code. Life will continue to show you what you need to heal until you are healed. – Be aware is to see, to admit. When Maria came back home she began to feel very heavy inside and asked in her prayers for help. TSC works in a magic way. Do the codes every day. Are you occupied with negative thoughts? Everything else is an imbalance from the past that can be healed. One day she understood that she will receive some help, so she sat down with pen and paper and just received the information about the first six codes. It also creates illness. I. The Spiritual Codes are a fantastic help to permanently relieve stress and traumas in the body that prevents you from living the life you are here for, the life your heart is longing for. It is all about energy. TSC is to contribute to a higher consciousness in the world. You can do the same code several times a day. Spiritual Equality, The Black Codes and the Americanization of the Freedmen She has always been convinced there will be a way to heal without any traditional medicine. In march 2012 she visited the Oneness University, participating in a deepening course and asked Bhagawan for better healing methods. This is the step the whole of humanity needs to take. The instructions conveyed in this book are from higher circles. Are you ready to free yourself from the past, whatever it takes? The Spiritual Codes helps you with all three steps. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. Are your life like a roller-coaster of emotions? Time, Continuity and Change III. To really feel and experience the emotions from the past can make you feel like you are dying. Stress People, Places, and Environments IV. Download full-text PDF. the code is judgment-free. It is different for different codes and depends on where you have your wounds. Do not try to change anything, just see. That will change your negative unhealthy believes that gives worry, anxiety, depression and hinder you to live your fully potential enjoying your life. Practice and learn to trust your inner truth which will guide you in the right direction. 6. Be aware and just experience whatever emotions or thoughts are there. Most people live their lives escaping the pain from these wounds. Light Codes by Laara offers transformational and practical tools, and one-on-one sessions designed to inspire a deeper connection with your authentic self, so you can embrace the life you were born to live.. You can take command of how you . The Spiritual Codes will help you with that. DNA Activation with Spiritual Healer YaMaEL Energy Healing and Clearing That Facilitate Enlightenment Welcome to Divinitycodes.com! Do you want more money in your life? Do you feel stuck? Spiritual Underpinnings of the Healing Codes Spiritual Underpinnings of The Healing Codes by Dr. Alex Loyd While the book, The Healing Code, explains some of our philosophy and where we’re coming from spiritually, this will go in a bit more detail as to how we see this new mode of healing fitting into our world view, which is based on the Bible. Do not try to understand them, just be grateful for the healing. Do you miss joy and love in your life? Putting On the Full Armor of Father God 10. . However you choose to do this, please always remember the following: Some people do not feel strong emotions when they work with the Codes and still there is healing. My personal objective in developing this course is to help people survive the perils of the spiritual path and reap the benefits of a consciously lived spiritual life. interact with your life: your thoughts and feelings, relationships, health, and wellness, and live the life you want to experience. The wounds stay like a fingerprint in every cell in the body. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. You are now welcome to take part of this magic healing. It will solve itself. The Sophia Code Foundation is a recognized 501(c)3 organization in the state of Arizona. Download PDF. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. You are searching for the code of this book, trying to unearth some secret door through which to sneak in and discover the inner workings of this code. It can even be wounds from your time in the womb and from previous lives. Send an e-mail and get help. The Code of Ethics for Spiritual Care Professionals: • gives expression to the basic values and standards of the profession; • guides decision making and professional behavior; Course Description The inclusion in the DSM-IV of a new diagnostic category called "Religious or Spiritual One to several times. It is a heart-centered ancient code, and so much more. Divine Healing Codes 5 | P a g e www.HealingStation.Co.In 29 63 586 for depression in children and adults 131 294 784 585 for social outcasts to feel love and support from the rest of humanity 58 963 8114 to soothe an aching heart 443 792 854 61523 for suicidal thoughts, impulses and ideation 25 39 561 615 to hope for a better life in all ways and welcome the new To Meditate Some are called by an internal voice to dig deeper and others are led by those that have already ascended to a multidimensional realm. In the case of Laara's new work, she suggests meditating with one code a week. New discoveries in biology and the neurosciences are revealing how the structure of language-the words we think and speak-can actually change the way … The Wisdom Codes Read More » She did a lot of therapeutic work on herself. Do you feel superior? Welcome every emotion. Do the code no. It only takes your willpower, some of your time, a decision that your are ready to change your life and you are responsible for doing it, whatever it takes. >> Download the free Chapter from The Wisdom Codes The cutting edge of neurolinguistics meets the spiritual wisdom of the ages in a handbook of key words that literally rewire our brains. Do you have a self destructive behaviour? Everything that makes you want to flee from the process is an escape from yourself and that is the reason for the pain in your life. When doing the codes you heal your Karma the source of pain from ancestors lives. It´s better to do some code than none. Do not try to understand them, just be grateful for the healing. Do only one of the codes on the same day. Lack of satisfaction happens when you listen to your mind and when there is an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system. Create awareness. With The Spiritual Codes it is possible to change negative belief systems. The strong negative emotions you may experience come from past wounds. Are you suicidal? “ Lemurian Code Healing™ is connected to Lemuria and the divine cosmology. Be in a careful place. Make an agreement to yourself to take your life seriously and do the codes every day. When we do so we disrespect ourselves and that is very self-destructive. Do you have problems controlling yourself? I am YaMaEL, an Intuitive Spiritual Healer And Enlightenment Coach. And sometimes feelings of excitement, love, bliss and happiness. The Spiritual Codes are a help to solve the source of your stress. Prayer For Favor 12. Do you feel guilt? If you don´t believe in it TSC will help you, don´t worry about that. Are you suspecting negative things to happen to you? You just have to make the decision that you will do what ever it takes to get the change. 5. Page 1 of 91 How to choose the right code It is your own responsibility if you choose to use the codes. From Carl Jung: “There is no coming to consciousness without pain. But this movie is about your life. It helps you to see and be more aware. But avoiding it is even more harmful. There may be unpleasant things that come up, but the truth is, the only way to get healed is to set yourself free from the past. When she was finished with those, applying them on herself during some weeks, she received one after another. The more you do the code the quicker you come through the wound you are working with. Downloadable PDF Altar Card with self-activating ideas for working with the book. Be patient with the process. Daily Prayer of Binding and Loosing 9. Spiritual Code of Conduct and order in your life. Religious or Spiritual Problem (V62.89) of which I was a co-author. Have your focus inwards. To do this the order of the codes will be personal. Never let your emotions lead to that you will hurt yourself or anybody else. TSC is to make a better world for all. Do you miss trust? The Spiritual Codes are a tool for healing yourself. Just see and be aware of it. It is possible to change our whole perspective of negative life experience. From a special trauma you are aware of. To do the codes is an inner journey with sometimes strong emotional feelings, of sorrow, anger, shame, guilt, hatred, suicidal feelings and so on. Do you have problems to forgive yourself or others? The past is in the mind. It will become easier when you get used to it. It can be painful to see the truth, that´s why we are avoiding it. The Healing Code is the perfect introduction to the principles and practices behind The Healing Codes technique. Be careful with yourself in your daily life. Even if there is resistance and pain. They create stress today when something activating them in the present. Are you depressed? When the stress is gone the immune system is able to work with reparation of cells and organs. The healing happens in steps: When Kundalini energy is activated in one… When we do that it subsides into our subconscious mind. Do you have to prove something to others? You just have to make the decision that you will do what ever it takes to get the change. Be grateful and loving to yourself for doing this amazing work. Be brave! These codes are a combination of different hand positions, sometimes movements. It is the “I Am” principle, which acknowledges every individual as a unique expres-sion of the Creator on a mission to serve the whole. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. 7 is the number that opens one to the realm of "divine vibration". A continuously and seriously working with the codes will make you feel more and more relaxed about yourself and life. (Nuevo: Libros electrónicos gratis en español).Also, there are several more books below that … 2 Full PDFs related to this paper. Like a deep shortcut. Activated emotions are showing you that the healing process is going on. Are you for some reason stressed? Spiritual healing is, by definition, the use of non-physical means to treat illness or affliction. It has been accepted for inclusion in Law Faculty Articles and Essays by an authorized administrator of ... provides the accurate coding details for Health Information Managers and/or health care professionals to code the spiritual… With the codes it is possible to change unhealthy beliefs about ourselves and others. She began her healing journey in 1988, a time when she was very depressed and studying biology at the university. If there is anything that prevents you for living a life full of joy and love and you want a change….. do not hesitate! … Do you have irrational fear? This set of laws consist of: The Law of Attraction, The Law of Request, The Law of Resistance, The Law of Reflection, The Law of Projection, The Law of Attachment. The healing process more information Accept. To do the codes in order is also ok. I began dictating the content of this book directly for typing. Black history is a spiritual. I AM a Master of DNA Activation, High Frequency DNA and Chakra … Negative beliefs are programmed into our mind and is stored in the subconscious. That is what TSC does. Do you wonder what you are doing on this planet? Spiritual Warfare Prayers: Purpose and Application 7. To see, be aware, admit that there is something to heal. This paper. It stresses the immune system, it attracts negative thoughts, it creates problems in our lives and it closes our hearts. Since then she has done a lot of healing work and therapeutic studies to free herself from post traumatic stress syndrome and poisoning. Like the words get stuck in the mouth. One method that gave her good help was APN, applied psycho neurology, also called psycho kinesiology, but this was not good enough. This means that our past hinders us from living in the present and creating the life we are longing for. The time in India was great and joyful. Do you feel worry? world, this phenomenon is occurring as a new 'Spiritual Awareness' is taking place and gaining momentum on our planet. Consistent with the ACA Code of Ethics (2005), the purpose of the ASERVIC Competencies is You want your life back. Symptoms for this can be neck pain, problems to speak out or that you are holding yourself back in some way. John G Lake-How to be filled with spiritual power.pdf. If you don´t know which code to do, do them in order. They are expressed as stress, hatred, jealously,misunderstandings, unhealthy beliefs, harmful actions and so on. – To heal is to change the beliefs in your subconscious about yourself, from negative to positive. Reactions when you do the codes As a race, people are evolving on a Spiritual level, with the number sequences being 'messages' from a Higher Source. Yet the roots of spiritual healing CODE OF ETHICS Revised - 1 - September 24, 2000 100 Code of Ethics (Description and Aspirations of APC) The Association of Professional Chaplains (Association) is an association of providers of pastoral care endorsed by faith groups to serve persons in physical, mental, spiritual, or social need in diverse settings. Spiritual Underpinnings of the Healing Codes Spiritual Underpinnings of The Healing Codes by Dr. Alex Loyd, author, and Diane Eble, editor of The Healing Code While the book, The Healing Code, explains some of our philosophy and where we’re coming from spiritually, this will go in a bit more detail as to how we see this new mode To others it is the opposite. You have to be true about what there is in you that you feel. To heal with the codes and the strengthening convictions. When one wound is healed another will be exposed to be healed. They don´t have to be done in order. She has tried old Indian and Shaman methods, she has done a lot of alternative methods, she has tried western school medicine, but never, ever, any medications or drugs. What do you experience? For example that it is hard to talk or express yourself. Spiritual Meaning of number Seven. These wounds affect how we live our lives. The meaning of the song is not contained in the bare words but in the black history that created it. Do you want more health in your life? Be accepting and patient with yourself. Download. You may get in contact with previous lives. You need one more thing………..to be brave! Hidden wounds will be unhidden to be healed. Be accepting of whatever happens inside you. To do the codes is an inner journey with sometimes strong emotional feelings, of sorrow, anger, shame, guilt, hatred, suicidal feelings and so on. The second set of Universal Spiritual Laws are ‘The Laws of Creation’. Do you feel poor? Do you feel shame? From your intuition. This is like the game of pick up sticks. TSC works in a magic way. When you are stressed the immune system doesn’t have the capacity to help the body rid itself of toxins. Sometimes referred to as “faith healing,” spiritual healing is a type of treatment generally considered to be classified as “alternative” or non-traditional. You are able to have a bit of distance to what you experience. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. When we change the energy we will get a higher consciousness. It permanently balances the nervous system. Do you want more joy in your life? You will be able to be aware of your reactions to your experiences in your life. The source is the time when the wounds were created. Be aware of the thoughts, emotions and sensations in your body. 1. You have to be brave! She studied kinesiology and medicine. Spiritual Underpinnings of the Healing Codes Spiritual Underpinnings of The Healing Codes by Dr. Alex Loyd, author, and Diane Eble, editor of The Healing Code While the book, The Healing Code, explains some of our philosophy and where we’re coming from spiritually, this will go in a bit more detail as to how we see this new mode “These are from those whom I follow to That is necessary to save our planet and create a better future. That is an important inner work and you do it for yourself. In Spiritual Outreach Society v. Commissioner, 927 F.2d 335 (8th Cir. With an Electrifying Story – of The Scientist Whose Dream Changed the World… In His Own Words! They create blockages in our energy system that take a lot of energy and damage the immune system. The codes reduce the stress in the body by 3 steps. There may be a lot of emotions, but you are not the emotions so you do not have to identify with them, what you may go through is only a temporary emotional experience, just like when you are watching a movie. ” If you don´t believe in it TSC will help you, don´t worry about that. The clue is to see your own true about what prevents you from having a good life and what creates the negative. For millennia, ... into the spiritual world that exists within you, a world that is eternal, full of serenity and joy. A very important part of spiritual awakening is ascension, which literally translates to “go up”. From a strong feeling you are into right now. The number 7 is charged with spiritual energies of luck and serendipity. Common Code of Ethics . Your angels (or spirit guides) guide you through your thoughts, feelings, words and visions. The past is our pain in life. 7 for a longer period. The Dream CODE Based On Little-Known Spiritual Secrets… in the Bible By ELISHA GOODMAN THE dream CODE 91 Dream Secrets Revealed, Plus 111 Prayer “Bullets” to Manifest Your Success Dreams – and Cancel the Bad and the Ugly! And even worse, it separates ourselves from our own truth and makes us live our lives to please others or to fit in. These toxins then accumulate in the body and weaken your health. But don´t let this be a problem. This is about your life. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. (PDF) A … Have acceptance of what is happening and what you feel and see about yourself. Just experience; emptiness, boredom, impatience, irritation, wanting to escape, sorrow, anger, hatred, shame, guilt or whatever there is. The source is the time when the wounds were created. More than 90 % of all illness, comes from stress. This inner seeing will grow and you will be able to have it in whatever you are doing. Daily Prayer To Pray Down Spiritual Attack 11. The Competencies for Addressing Spiritual and Religious Issues in Counseling are guidelines that complement, not supersede, the values and standards espoused in the ACA Code of Ethics. With help from a pendulum. What you experience is very personal. Maria was forced by her own needs to look for alternative solutions, and she did so for many years. The spiritual counters that devaluation with affirmation: “I exist, and I matter.” • The spiritual is the community in rhythm, swinging to the movement of life. This is also a help for you when you work with the codes. That is what we see when we measure it with the biofeedback instrument emWave Pro. Are you highly sensitive? Do you feel as being a looser? If the spiritual code is ... close while for category 4 the revised gives higher value for shear force and bending moment as compared to present code. She is the author of Walk-ins Among Us and Light Language Emerging ~ Activating Ascension Codes to Integrate Body, Soul, and Spirit. But this is only a temporary emotion. This gives time for the energy, information, and emotions within each code to activate and root within your spiritual … Do you want revenge? You have already survived from the wounds (at least in this life) but you also have to feel the wound fully to become fully alive. Do all these codes until all the stress is gone. The more you do the codes the easier it will become to know which one to choose. It will not harm you if you do not know the What are “The Spiritual Codes”? If you do not experience any change in your stress level it could be that you are stuck in the Fear-paralyse reflex. Download Full PDF Package. It can also create aggression and a rebellious side in us. From something that keeps coming up like a pattern. Here is a free possibility to change darkness into light…. – To open up is to feel and rest into the emotions (shame, guilt, hate and so on). Daily Prayers of Consecration 8. Keep going with the process. Other reactions are; temporary fatigue, headache, melancholy, excitement, diarrhoea, feelings of emptiness and confusion. Open up and to feel is also healing but to make a new program in the subconscious use the codes for deeper healing . more information Accept. If you get stuck and need help at any point in your spiritual journey, you may benefit from ascension coaching, light language energy work, or a mini-activation from Yvonne Perry. Below are free spiritual ebooks by Nirmala and Gina Lake to help you awaken, open your heart, and live more fully in the now.Click on the book covers for more info and reviews or use the buttons to download the nondual ebooks for free, either here or on your favorite online bookstore. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”. Do you feel inferior? for Chaplains, Pastoral Counselors, Pastoral Educators and Students . It is also possible to buy a consultation from us. A short summary of this paper. 1. It is no accident that you have come back to this ancient portal of Lemurian Shamanic Healing. Spiritual attributes of number Seven includes the enlightened power of Chakra energies, rainbow spectrum frequencies and it is the realm of intuitive knowing. Only do one type of code on the same day. 3. Individual Development and Identity V. Individuals, Groups and Institutions VIII. The past creates worry about the future. The list of physical symptoms at that time is very long. Guilt, shame, controlling others, revenge and illness is the out coming of that. Old wisdom from scientists know that problems has to be solved in a different level of consciousness than from where they were created. It takes a willpower to be true to yourself whatever you experience. The background 2. The Spiritual Codes are a help to solve the source of your stress. You need to be brave to see, to admit and to feel that you are not perfect, you are a human being who make mistakes and sometimes do stupid things. 3. There are many techniques that assist one with their desire to reach higher planes of understanding during their personal journey. She also did a lot of spiritual work, shamanism and also working with oneness blessings. optimal order for your personal journey. Are your life a catastrophe? Do you have a lot of anger? Maria Löfgren works as a Kinesiologist in Sweden since 2004. I highly recommend you to also meditate. What could be more exciting? Sometimes the right way is painful. To dare to be vulnerable. Read full-text. Human beings have that capacity. Please be dedicated to your process. Just follow the instructions in each code. Culture and Cultural Diversity II. Emails with tips for how to integrate the Divine Feminine teachings into your daily life. John G Lake-How to be filled with spiritual power.pdf. Do you feel excluded? The Spiritual Codes will help you with that. Continue the process whatever it takes. David F. Forte, Spiritual Equality, the Black Codes, and the Americanization of the Freedmen, 43 Loyola Law Review 569 (1998) This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Faculty Scholarship at EngagedScholarship@CSU. 2. Some people don´t feel anything while doing the codes. If you feel weak and not ready to attempt this,  do not do the codes. Healing Prayer By The Laying-On-Of-Hands For Healing 13. To suppress emotions is to create stress. Have patience, we are all children from the beginning. 8. Even when you feel bored and think that nothing happens. Some feel energy, see colours , pictures or have sensations in the body, even emotional reactions. Negative beliefs take a lot of energy. Be curious! Do you feel unworthy? This world is the source of light in your life. If you are used to meditating and looking inwards it will be easier to choose which code to use. 7. 4. JUST START! To do the codes is never harmful even though it sometimes can be painful. I highly recommend you to create a group with friends, so you can support each other, especially if you are not used to do inner work. Do you want more happiness in your life? You do it easily on yourself. Stress comes mostly from previous wounds and traumas. Science, Technology, and Society READ PAPER. It is a part of the human evolution. It only takes your time, willpower and commitment to yourself. for women, the following principles compose a Code of Spiritual … The only thing that is real is the present. . The more you are able to relax into this, the more information you will get. I specialize in Advanced DNA Activation, Quantum Healing and Spiritual Healing Therapies. Godspower Echiye. When we get hurt a wound is created in the mind. This is more exciting than any movie or computer game. 1991), the court concluded that the organization was admittedly engaged in religious activity and possessed some of the fourteen criteria discussed in American Guidance Foundation v. United States, supra . The time for healing is now.

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