is he really busy or avoiding me

Then go with atraditionalist’s advice and stop being so damn available all the time. I could give him the benefit of the doubt that he is busy, but c’mon. We have made out heavily, had sex once, handjobs and stimulations etc. Finding the time can be frustrating but the effort is everything. If she’s in an exclusive relationship with the dude, then hearing from him almost every day and seeing him 2-3 times a day is not weird nor is it clingy. And if it’s the former, then move on. What I’ve noticed from dating, is it only gets harder the older we all get. And I don’t respond to stupid nonchalant texts from him either. But they aren’t high on my “Descriptions that make me swoon” list. And he did. Thanks for visiting! But here’s the problem: compromise has to work both ways. Those nonchalant includes (LOL, cool, Emojis), just an FYI. I agree. , Dennis Hong My boyfriend of 9 years was really busy too. So LW, I suggest you MOA from this asshole and find yourself a guy who WILL make you his top priority. It hurts less when a guy who keep ignoring you just tells you … That he’s busy with his life and there’s no place for you.. November 7, 2011, 5:00 pm. He’s not giving you enough to sustain the kind of relationship that you want –whether that’s because of his work or his lack of interest. Yeah, I agree… Sure, I already said as much earlier in this thread, but it bears repeating. MOA! Sometimes he might be really busy or could not meet you or text you. Because, best case scenario, he gets to see you. For argument’s sake, let’s take him 100% at his word. In August 2015, he returned like … We were supposed to spend time together on Tuesday. Kate B Display results as threads That’s ok because that’s who I am and those are my needs. Many people want an equal or very close equal, unless they just want a trophy wife/husband that they can dress up and make look good. dinoceros not my fault you find it offensive I date men in your age group. 6napkinburger These are some good basic questions and the answers should guide your next move. He is probably that busy. I emailed the doctor one morning to say that I was struggling with the amount of communication, and in the interest of “getting to know you” would he please up the communication ante. But a person who has been busy or ill is not avoiding you in the common use of the word. Is He Ghosting Or Just Busy? He stood me up the week of Sept 23. What should I do? November 7, 2011, 12:03 pm. If he chooses to let you go, stay strong! So the last time we were supposed to meet up after work, and he showed up an hour late. “Can’t today, but are you free Thursday?” If he wants to see you, it’s a fluid dialogue. November 7, 2011, 12:01 pm. It sucks, but at least you found out early! I eventually came to the conclusion that I can’t really control when I fall in love, but I can control how and when I express it, and that is what made all the difference. For example, your husband could be really busy or stressed at work, or he wants to find some space in the chaos at home if you have little ones. November 7, 2011, 9:27 pm. I said “happy hump day, cowboy!” (thats my nickname for him) he repied, “I was just thinking about you…so weird” I replied “are you ready to stop thinking?” and his reply was “oohhhh..i get ya….of course hun…i have just been unusually busy probably like you here lately (which I don’t know what that means, he has no clue what I’m doing, we don’t ask those questions during our text) “i need to make some ME time…lol…for you”. “Are those moments worth waiting for if I feel so utterly isolated and lonely when I don’t see or hear from him for days a time?” The problem is I tried calling him to see what happened but his phone was turned off. At work. November 7, 2011, 10:06 am. If you want more than just hooking up whenever the whim strikes him–even if all you want if just hooking up, but also when the whim strikes YOU–it’s time to MOA. Growing? No. thank you for your opinion. so.. him.. You’re probably busy, too. I'm an old lady? Draw the line now. So secondly, cross-check and make sure that he … On his BUSIEST months, the latest my husband will be home is 7 pm, which leaves PLENTY of time to hang out or go out and do something. You'd definitely know why he's behaving this way using this list of 20 reasons why he could be avoiding you! It is true, they may be keeping themselves from seeing you. Yes, he’s really busy and can work long hours, but we WANT to make it work, so we do. Friday came and I just lost it, I sent that text. "He's not talking to me because he's mad at me!" Typically when a girl is pushing for more relationship type behavior in these situations and the guy has “sown his oats” already and isn’t interested in more then he will pull a fade out. Unless he is saving the world 24/7, he has got some free time and chooses not to spend it with the LW. That is enough reason to MOA. If she isn’t in an exclusive relationship, 6 weeks is a perfectly valid time to figure out whether they are going to be exclusive. You can also follow along on Facebook and Instagram. Another possibility is that he has his own private practice, and because he’s just the most awesomely compassionate doctor in the world, he really is making himself available to his patients 168 hours/week. Ok, I met this guy at a party, briefly. It’s also infinitely more difficult to respond to texts and phone calls when you’ve got somebody else in your bed — right by your side — at home all the time, too. So first of all cross check whether he is really busy or ignoring you intentionally. November 7, 2011, 5:14 pm. Finding the time can be frustrating but the effort is everything. All rights reserved. No matter how busy you are, you can always always let the person you supposedly love know what is going on. Just someone who really likes the guy and is getting mixed messages and wants to know which one to believe… The way he acts when he’s with her, or the way he acts when he isn’t. I’m sure he is really busy. Things were great when we were together, but he wasn’t making time in his life for me and want making as much effort to keep in touch when I wanted. If he didn’t call you back even after you left a message with his sister, I’d say you did the right thing. Unless you’re getting other vibes about him not being interested it might just be that he IS busy. , He may not be that into you or he may be married….but six weeks (and I’m assuming more like 3 weeks in since you are writing in about it at 6 weeks) and you are pestering him about time commitments? but he doesn't want to rush as he came out of a serious relationship about 6 months ago and isn't ready. He’s not really a phone person, so we hardly ever talk on the phone. Texting words back and forth is meaningless unless you have an actual relationship with the person. New readers, welcome to Dear Wendy, a relationship advice blog. Aw, thanks. It’s great that you feel good while around him, but feeling good apart from your partner is a vital component of a happy relationship. Before you assume this is the reasons he’s ignoring you, talk to him and find out what’s really going on. That’s all well and good. You are always entertaining. In their jobs, they rely on others to do alot of the planning and organization, along with the detail/prep work and a lot of the times, it transfers into their home lives. November 7, 2011, 2:14 pm. We’re going on 2 years together now. If not, forget him. [I always have to call him.] Eventually, that will get annoying and you’ll have to figure something else out, because you can’t live your life with your plans never set in stone. I feel bad about dumping him and doing it by text. Yeah it would make it much easier for me and probably would for him as well I can't help it I have always been one to over think even tho I try hard not to and am working on not doing that as much but hopefully he is just busy and yes good point he use to not text me when he planned on me busy but before this he was really working on it for me and had started to get better at telling me … In a different time zone (four hours ahead of me). He’s sleeping with her. It sounds like LW’s guy doesn’t – whether that means he’s married or just not that into you, I don’t know. Keeping themselves away is technically avoidance, but it is really self-centered to make everything about you. My sypnopsis: Psychiatrist dude (which can be considered Dr., too) whom I met on a dating app (didn’t think twice about his profession). There’s no way I’ll know where his are. I just found myself in the same boat as this poor girl. Hey thanks for the A2A. I feel bad about dumping him and doing it by text. And he didn't reply for a long time, but he wasn't idle or anything. Consider the context. He still manages to text me to say “hey, got called in so I can’t call tonight – here’s my next scheduled night off {insert day here} – I’ll call sooner if I get a lull on the job”. He does say and do all the right things when we’re together, and has expressed genuine interest and enjoyment of my company; I get the feeling that he really likes me, but is this enough? Thanks for all the tips and suggestions, I really appreciate the support! I dumped him in a text that friday. His personal mantra is: “Always stay positive in life (except when taking a drug or STD test)!” You can read more of his musings on life and love here. That’s going to be most of the time. After that first date, he texts you and might call on occasion. So here’s for a small amount of closure on this whole saga. What I did was take Dennis’s advice and draw a line. Today we had a half day and I invited him to come hang out with me and my friends at Sonic thats where we always hang out, he said sure and he was on his way. So I told this guy straight up what I needed and asked him if he could or even wanted to accommodate. Move on. So first of all cross check whether he is really busy or ignoring you intentionally. Where is an errant seagull when you need it? November 7, 2011, 1:15 pm. So I thanked him for his honesty and told him I didn’t want to date him anymore. That can be quite a handful. Give him the opportunity to initiate something. My husband has always done everything in his power to show me that I’m the first priority in his life, even though he is also very, very dedicated to his job. That’s hooking up! Poor guy must have been exhausted. In most cases, this will be extremely obvious.

At the end of the day, McConaughey's book is all about being relative and finding your frequency, and as the beginning of 2021 begins to round out, I feel like I have started to do just that. And really the bottom line is not what is acceptable to the outside world but that YOU are not digging it (and I don’t blame you!). Its not the first time he has done this. He still wants to come over (40 minute drive) even when I am on my period, including clearing his schedule for the day. Landygirl Also, the way he’s communicating/scheduling does make it sound like he is married or dating someone else. It could be a death of a family member. (Honestly, I wish I’d read so many relationship-centered blogs before I dated my ex…), Dennis Hong I have tons of other guys who I am not interested in who are trying to lock ME down to dates, so. ReginaRey and what does he mean when he says ” I need to make me time for you” ????? Well, as you’ve already realized, that means you have to compromise. Since then I’ve been hearing from him almost every day, usually more than once a day. I feel like you both sort of turned each other down. I’ve also been seeing a lot more of him, as he seems to have figured a way of fitting me into his schedule. And Lydia… you know, it’s generally not a good idea to date your exes. I’ve mentioned this before on this site but it’s worth saying again: if a guy is into you, he’ll make you a priority. I met a guy in march 2015 and we went on a few dates but things never quite kicked off (he kinda fell off the radar/stopped pursuing me). Texting takes no effort. Alexis Meads helps one GMP reader decide. With crazy pants hours. He said, ‘we could get together Monday-Thursday, or he could make dinner plans for this Saturday(last weekend which I had plans but didn’t tell him) and we could blow off all our plans and go. I would like to say that I did feel needy and demanding for the same reasons as stated by other posts; I thought it was too early to feel so strongly for someone. So while you shouldn’t be counting texts or keeping meticulous track of phone call frequency, if you’re not feeling the love, so to speak, you are entitled to your feelings and you should say something. His sister said he wasn’t home but she’d have him call me back. The dude pulled back on his own term 1 week later telling me how he’s been fucked up since meeting me, yada yada. Thanks for the visual of my boyfriend in a loin cloth on a mountaintop trying his darndest to send me a smoke signal! My recommendation? And as for this letter, Dennis was totally spot-on. I’m confused. I dated a girl that was a 1st year med school student and it clearly did not jive with my personal goals and ambitions. Of course its an overgeneralization and every person is different. obviously I tried asking and didn't get an answer from him. I mean, you have “progressed fast intimately” and only see each other when he is in the mood. Not for the same reason others are on that list (men who go to the country club more than 4 times a week, professional team sports athletes), but because the personality that makes a man a successful doctor and my personality do not mesh. But, “Can’t today, I’m busy,” with no follow-up might be a red flag. I would, however, back off of the physical aspect of your relationship and if he still wants to spend time with you you know it isn’t just a hook up. Whenever I didn’t feel like seeing her, I’d tell her that I was super busy and didn’t know my schedule.”, “Oh, and who doesn’t have time to send a 30-second text or make a quick call?”. We talk on the phone once a … Start “dating yourself” & practice living the way you want to live – happily! silver_dragon_girl Natasia Rose ), so I hit them up for their thoughts on your situation. And once you hand the reins of the relationship over to him and say, “Have at it, I’m just along for the ride,” then he will never have any reason to compromise for you. I rily don’t wana be used. This is about the same guy I was asking about in my last question. MOA. I’d say: go with the way he acts when he’s not with you. But he told me this early in the relationship, and makes an effort to communicate in other ways when we’re not with each other. I think that happiness in a relationship, and having that inherent understanding and knowledge of how much the other person loves you, comes down to their actions overall and a feeling in your gut and not the exact number of text messages or emails or phone calls a day. atraditionalist Sistine Do you know he’s heading to the gym straight after work and won’t be able to answer your call? SpaceySteph A better question is "Why do you keep trying to contact a man who you feel is too busy or avoiding you?" Part of me feels like thats harsh, and the other part of me says slooowww your roll and have fun. yay! But I’m a big believer in momentum as a measurement of potential in early dating. He probably really is that busy, but the fact that you're texting is a good sign. I was confused too. MissDre November 7, 2011, 8:09 am. He gave me some excuse (something about the Metro not working) and was surprised when I told him that I was done waiting for him. You could have replied with a “sounds good, can’t wait!” And then just gone about your business. Is he really that busy or not interested? The vibes the LW is putting out do not make for an “easy no-strings-attached poon” situation. I don’t feel lonely, isolated or needy at all and instead am confident that whatever happens from here on out, I’ll be able to handle it. As the wife of a resident (we started dating when my husband was in medical school), I can assure you that if this guy wanted to make time for you, he could and he would. We’re very happy and in love, and seriously talking about a future. In the relationships I have been in when the girl is rushing it like this she ends up trying to isolate me from my social circles and extracurriculars and is never satisfied with my time commitment to the relationship otherwise. Yes, this is so true. . We have even progressed to having “the talk”, though I hate the idea of it, and would rather have avoided it altogether, I think that relationship do sometimes need a bit of a nudge in the right direction, as long as it’s done sensitively. One common reason that a guy does not text you back is because he is avoiding you. Because you will find the right one if you want him. It’s now been a a further 6 weeks since my letter, which brings us to about 3 months. My second ex-husband works nights as an EMT. it would make things much easier, You are rude! I say it’s time to MOA. New Here? He isn’t THAT into you. So you know what? :) So, I kind of got sick of waiting for him to talk to me, so I IM'd him. It may sound like an excuse but, if he’s ignoring you, he could just be busy. If it’s the former, then sounds like he’s not that into it and just trying to keep you around in case he gets bored. Answer his next request to get together with “I’m sorry I’m not available that day” and see if he tries to work around it. While with someone else. Dated a guy very similar to this for (I’m ashamed to admit) 4 years, on and off. here's the deal. Moral of the story, even if this guy is great, if he’s not meeting your needs, he’s not the right guy for you. we haven't seen each other yet and we were text every day and the last week he has disappeared doesn't answer any text so I decided to text say I was disappointed and if he wasn't interest just be decent and say so. MTE! He probably really is that busy, but the fact that you're texting is a good sign. November 7, 2011, 10:36 am. But it’s still obvious that he’s not making an effort to see or talk to you. I just meant guys seem to get away with boring, meaningless chat via text, why shouldn’t I get better at it? I IMd him and I said Hey! November 7, 2011, 7:12 am. Is she avoiding me, or really busy? First off, it’s not a big deal if he doesn’t call or text every day, especially if you’ve only been dating for six weeks. Dennis Hong March 25, 2015 by Alexis Meads 7 Comments. LW, your guy sounds like he might be one of those over-schedulers. This dude is on my mind like 24/7 without knowing it. I’d be more inclined to just stop returning his texts/calls and see if he notices. And that’s ok! I’m being ignored right now even as I’m typing this by a guy I haven’t even met yet, but am supposed to have a date with this week. I was honest with myself and the universe about what I wanted, and literally a month later, fate sent me the love of my life who gives me all I need and more. When you do finally find a time that works, they have to cancel. But I told him I won’t want to have intercourse with him unless we are exclusive and he’s been respectful. ... Avoid … If he has absolutely nothing to give to another person right now, then he probably shouldn’t be in any relationship anyway. She lived a 17 hour drive away and it put all the pressure on me to make the time to schedule a trip. Never miss a thing with GirlsAskGuys notifications on your browser. Here's Exactly How To Tell The Difference . You can feel like perhaps he’s “too busy for me," but really he’s potentially scared of the commitment. Today’s essay comes from “His Take” contributor, Dennis Hong, who writes about relationships and other topics at Musings on Life and Love. They are yours and not what anybody tells you they should be. Sometimes he does not text at all 2 days on end. And it’s totally on his terms. He texted me out of the blue one night, and when I responded he didn't text back. Unfortunately, it seems that he’s just not that into you, aside from the physical aspect of the relationship. I wish you the best of luck! Women give men too much credit for it. He’s just not that into you. Where do I go from here? Haha. 6. As for his schedule, I have close ties to several doctors (or maybe Wendy somehow knew this, and that’s why she gave me this letter, in which case… umm, excuse me…. LOL. Or are there some truths to my fears? November 8, 2011, 1:50 pm. Do not try to contact him as he needs time to think things through. You can clean the crap from any animal off me that you want. I see her in a work setting a few times a week; I consider her a good friend and might want something more, but I always have trouble getting her to hang out with me outside of work. Dennis Hong They know their schedules, at least for the next month. He may even be hurting too but right now that relationship is over. Spot on. You’re really making the rest of the guest columnists look unoriginal! He was honest as well and told me he just couldn’t. Whenever we get together, it is like fireworks though. I’m not recommending waiting around because everyone has different relationship paces and expectations. November 7, 2011, 2:46 pm. Just remember to eject while it’s still relatively painless. I guess I have done it for a long time and I can manage easier. If he’s seen you once a week for six weeks and things have progressed “intimately”…but it’s never preplanned AND he will NOT EVER schedule a date with you…that’s a booty call babe. Not hearing from him for days doesn’t sound that fun to me. You can read about me here, peruse the archives here and read popular posts here. I think you think that you’re in the beginning of a relationship, and he knows that, really, you two are just hooking up. I often wondered if he was living on the same planet as me with all of his risk-taking, experiences, and adventures, which inspired me to make my New Year's resolution of the adventurous spirit. He isn’t into it, but he wants to keep you hanging in case he changes his mind. I think this was the key, because if I’d expressed early on how much of an impact he had on my emotions he would have run, screaming, for the hills. He might need that. Are you texting in the middle of a busy work day? However, he would make an effort to at least message you and let you know what's going on if he's interested. He is avoiding you. Good advice Dennis. If they like someone, they’ll make the time. Don't be too harsh. Do not feel bad about your wants and needs! However, the dude does not text often (he’s single, confirmed by himself and FB). Nobody should be contactable all the time. I was incredibly happy when I was with him, but became a nervous wreck when we we weren’t together, because he always left me hanging and only made plans if it suited him (and regularly just didn’t show up at the appointed time and place).

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